Le Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:29:49 +0100,
"Kai Sterker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Mathieu Bridon
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > That would be a good point then to advertise our search for help
> >  > to get at least one (better more) additional developers, two
> >  > artists and a writer to get going with a map editor and game
> >  > content. More about this in a while, but I thought I might
> >  > mention it at least briefly.
> >  Sorry, can't help with that. My Python coding is very limited and I
> >  have absolutely no artistic talent. The only thing I can help is
> >  packaging and translating to french. but I could help forwarding
> > your advertisement too :)
> That would be nice. In the past, around half the contributors came to
> the project through personal contact instead of some announcement on
> some website.
> >  In fact, I have a working RPM of adonthell, but it will never be
> >  accepted in Fedora repositories as rpmlint is complaining about
> > some "zero-length files" in the API documentation. As I don't know
> > how doxygen works, I don't know if I can just remove them :S
> These seem to be image maps describing which part of an image is
> clickable. Even if they are empty, there might be a usemap attribute
> that refers to them. I would guess that most browsers would still
> render things correctly, even if the file is not available.
> But again, it might be easier to just exclude the API doc from the
> rpm. If at all, it should go into a devel or doc rpm, IMO.
> >  Once this is done, I can submit it to the Fedora repositories. I
> > don't know how much time it will take, but it might take some time:
> > I need to find a sponsor, he has to review my package and if it's
> > ok, I need to submit a second RPM for inclusion so they can see it
> > was nota one time luck (hopefully, I will have 2 RPMs to submit:
> > adonthell and wastesedge :)
> >
> >  But while I'll be waiting for approval, it can be good to put them
> > on the download section of adonthell :)
> I can do that then, once you are ready.
I just finished them :)

They might still need some polish for being accepted in Fedora
repositories, but they are finished.

I just played Waste's Edge after installing the 2 RPMs. It was very
cool, but a little shord ^_^

Anyway, it is still under development so I guess it is not surprising,
and it really has potential for building a great RPG like we knew on

Tell me if I understood correct, Waste's Edge is the game for this
release of Adonthell, using features already in the engine. When you
release a new version of Adonthell, there will be another game, that's
correct ?

You'll find the RPMs attached if you want to include them in the
download section of the site. I'll tell you on the advancing of the
inclusion in Fedora.


PS: how many people are working on Adonthell ?

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