In article
Trevena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If we can organise a mailing list, and maybe a web page or wiki we can
> provide some resources aimed at students based on what they needed 

More power to you, but I also have to ask what is different about a
student and a non-student in anything the Perl community might provide? 
Matriculated students are the only ones who need to learn Perl :)

It sounds like anything you would do would be useful to everyone.
Furthermore, we live in a world where everyone virtually has access to
the same information as everyone else. 

>From my experience as an educator in many environments, students need
to learn to use the resources that are already out there. The lack of
that skill is across the board, not just with Perl.

I don't think that there is any lack of content, but getting it to new
people is always a challenge. :)

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