2008/12/5 brian d foy <brian.d....@gmail.com>:
> In article
> <edcafa7d0812050227i36b9b4cev1c6fe4e130daa...@mail.gmail.com>, Aaron
> Trevena <aaron.trev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If we can organise a mailing list, and maybe a web page or wiki we can
>> provide some resources aimed at students based on what they needed
> More power to you, but I also have to ask what is different about a
> student and a non-student in anything the Perl community might provide?
> Matriculated students are the only ones who need to learn Perl :)
> It sounds like anything you would do would be useful to everyone.
> Furthermore, we live in a world where everyone virtually has access to
> the same information as everyone else.
> ...
> I don't think that there is any lack of content, but getting it to new
> people is always a challenge. :)

Kind of.

Students (from what I remember of uni) have some slightly different
needs to fresh gradates and people in industry.

At uni you have the chance to try stuff out that you probably won't
have time to in work - especially if you end up in a less than
enlightened organisation after uni.

There is some advice at


Which is quite cool, but there is more than that - it's hard to pick
up practical skills at uni because the coursework and any projects of
your own will be contrived and greenfield, so very 'unreal', so you
won't really feel so many of the benefits of the kinds of practises
you need to learn for the real world, like designing for debugging,
logging, preventing SPF, unit testing, etc.

One idea for a talk I ought to write would be :
"Unit Test your coursework", which I'd base on some of my old uni
notes - the C++ and C classes were ripe for unit testing and I really
wish I knew how to test properly at the time.
Bascially, how to use unit testing and specification/requirement
checking to ace your coursework :)

There is a huge ammount of info on programming practise, but a lot of
it is either crap, very specific to something that isn't applicable to
anything you would see or touch at uni, or really hard to grok without
having relevent experience to put it in context.

There are also lots of things that students would be interested in
that won't interest the rest of us as much - places offering
placements, graduate fairs, university courses, uni society events,
field trips, etc that only people with links to local uni's will be
interested in.


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