> The human visual system doesn't evolve like that on the fly. This can be
> proven by the fact that we all see the same visual illusions. We all exhibit
> the same visual limitations in the same way. There is much evidence that the
> system doesn't evolve accidentally. It has a limited set of rules it uses to
> learn from perceptual data.

That is not a proof, of course.  It could be that given a general
architecture, and inputs with certain statistical properties, the same
internal structures inevitably self-organize

> I think a more deliberate approach would be more effective because we can
> understand why it does what it does, how it does it, and why its not working
> if it doesn't work. With such deliberate approaches, it is much more clear
> how to proceed and to reuse knowledge in many complementary ways. This is
> what I meant by "emergence".

I understand the general concept.  I am reminded a bit of Poggio's
hierarchical visual cortex simulations -- which do attempt to emulate the
human brain's specific processing, on a neuronal cluster and inter-cluster
connectivity level

However, Poggio hasn't yet solved the problem of making this kind of
deliberately-engineered hierarchical vision network incorporate cognition==>
perception feedback.  At this stage it seems basically a feedforward

So I'm curious

-- what are the specific pattern-recognition modules that you will put into
your system, and how will you arrange them hierarchically?

-- how will you handle feedback connections (top-down) among the modules?


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