Ben Goertzel wrote:
> Hmmm.  It seems to me the ability to recognize one's own potential
> comes along automatically with general intelligence...


> What is there about recognizing one's wrongness in the ways you mention,
> that doesn't come "for free" with general cognition and appropriate
> perception?

I think it is worth reflecting here on the fact that many (perhaps most)
adult human beings routinely fail to recognize errors in their own thinking,
even when the mistake is pointed out. It is also quite common for humans to
become locked into self-reinforcing belief systems that have little or no
relation to anything real, and this state often lasts a lifetime.

If humans, who have the benefit of massive evolutionary debugging, are so
prone to meta-level errors, it seems unwise to assume that intelligence
alone will automatically solve the problem. At a minimum, we should look for
a coherent theory as to why humans make these kinds of mistakes, but the AI
is unlikely to do so.

Billy Brown

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