Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:
> I don't think we are the beneficiaries of massive evolutionary debugging.
>   I think we are the victims of massive evolutionary warpage to win
> arguments in adaptive political contexts.  I've identified at least four
> separate mechanisms of rationalization in human psychology so far:

Well, yes. Human minds are tuned for fitness in the ancestral environment,
not for correspondence with objective reality. But just getting to the point
where implementing those rationalizations is possible would be a huge leap
forward from current AI systems.

In any case, I think your approach to the problem is a step in the right
direction. We need a theory of AI ethics before we can test it, and we need
lots of experimental testing before we start building things that have any
chance of taking off. Sometimes I think it is a good thing that AI is still
stuck in a mire of wishful thinking, because we aren't ready to build AGI

Billy Brown

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