----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] AI and IQ

> Pei
> Thanks for the link.
> However, in my opinion this progress is misleading in that a simple
> geometric algorithm is likely used to solve the highly specialized
> puzzles, then the robot executes a plan to illustrate the solution.
> Because the robot software has been tailored to solve one particular
> mathematical part of an IQ test, it does not really suggest anything new.


I basically agree --- I posted the link because it is related to the
previous discussion on how to judge/measure the intelligence of a system,
not because I like this work (though I do need to know more about it to make
confident comment).

In general, I believe that we may be able to define an IQ test for AGI, but
it should measure what the system can learn over a period, not what the
system can do at a given time.  For human beings, since we roughly start
with the same innate knowledge, it is OK to use "what it can do" to measure
"what it can learn".  However, such a methodology cannot be used on AI,
because, as you said, it is easy to code domain-specific knowledge into the
system.  As a result, "what it can do" and "what it can learn" are no longer

> And regarding robots, I far prefer the work in
> navigation done by Hans Moravec at CMU, the walking humanoid robots in
> Japan, and the robot soccer (football) competition.
> These technologies will become excellent peripherals for AGI unless of
> course the robot folks develop AGI first.

I don't think the robot folks will develop AGI first. It seems that they are
still mostly working on the low-level domain-specific details.


> -Steve
> On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Pei Wang wrote:
> > "In the quest to create a machine that will outsmart the most
> > human, Selmer Bringsjord has developed the first-known robot capable of
> > passing part of a standard IQ test. "
> >
> > See http://www.rpi.edu/web/Campus.News/sept_02/sept_03/iq.html.
> >
> >
> >
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