On 10/23/07, J Storrs Hall, PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can DO them consciously but that doesn't necessarily mean that you can
> intentionally become conscious of the ones you are doing unconsciously.

One every few seconds happens involuntarily, when I try to not let any
through at all; but it's not unnoticeable, when concentrating, in the
same way that breathing isn't. I don't believe it's that much of a
freakish talent :)

> Try cutting a hole in a piece of paper and moving it smoothly across another
> page that has text on it. When your eye tracks the smoothly moving page, what
> appears through the hole is a blur.

Absolutely - as can be readily verified right now just by focusing on
one finger while moving it across your monitor; it's easy to be
conscious of the fact that the contents of the screen are a blur.

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