On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:53 AM, Terren Suydam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or take any number of ethical dilemmas, in which it's ok to steal food if it's
> to feed your kids. Or killing ten people to save twenty. etc. How do you 
> define
> Friendliness in these circumstances? Depends on the context.

Friendliness is not object-level output of AI, not individual
decisions that it makes in certain contexts. Friendliness is a
conceptual dynamics that is embodied by AI, underlying any specific
decisions. And likewise Friendliness is derived not from individual
actions of humans, but from underlying dynamics imperfectly
implemented in humans, which in turn doesn't equate with
implementation of humans, but is an aspect of this implementation
which we can roughly refer to.

Vladimir Nesov

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