
If you think your AGI know-how is superior to the know-how of those
who already built testable thinking machines then why don't you try to
build one yourself? Maybe you would learn more that way than when
spending significant amount of time trying to sort out great
incompatibilities between your views and views of the other AGI
researchers. If you don't have resources to build the system then,
perhaps, you could just put together some architecture doc (including
your definitions of important terms) for your as-simple-as-possible
AGI. The talk could then be more specific/interesting/fruitful for
everyone involved. Sorry if I'm missing something. I'm reading this
list only occasionally. But when I get to your posts, I often see
things very differently and I know I'm not alone. I guess, if you try
to view things from developers perspective + if you systematically
move forward improving a particular AGI design, your views would
change drastically. Just my opinion..

Jiri Jelinek

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