Mike, or anyone else, perhaps you can solve the technical problem of art. The 
entertainment sector is a significant fraction of the economy. There is a lot 
of money to be made if you have a machine that can produce good music or 
entertaining movies as well as the best artists.

Most AI researchers have ignored this field, either because they don't consider 
it worthy of solving, or because they believe it is impossible. I believe both 
views are wrong. For one thing, the brain is a computer and obviously the brain 
can do it.

Suppose you write a program that inputs jokes or cartoons and outputs whether 
or not they are funny. Then there is an iterative process by which you can 
create funny jokes or cartoons. Write a program that inputs a movie and outputs 
a rating of 1 to 5 stars. Then you have an iterative process for creating good 
movies. Write a program that recognizes good music, and you have an iterative 
process for creating good music.

I believe the field of artificial art has been neglected because it is rare to 
find good artists who are also good programmers. Artists can't teach or explain 
how to recognize or create good art; they can only give examples. Even Donald 
Knuth (The Art of Computer Programming) can't explain the technique for finding 
beautiful algorithms, although he has created plenty of them. That is the one 
algorithm he doesn't know.

I suspect that all AI problems, such as language, vision, and art, are of 
similar difficulty in terms of both hardware and software, because they are all 
executed on the same wetware.

Rather than discuss whether the problem should be solved or can't be solved, I 
welcome any insights toward a solution.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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