Russell : Whoever said you
need to protect ideas is just shilly-shallying you. Ideas have no
market value; anyone capable of taking them up, already has more ideas
of his own than time to implement them.

In AGI, that certainly seems to be true - ideas are crucial, but require such a massive amount of implementation. That's why I find Peter Voss and others - incl Ben at times - refusing to discuss their ideas, silly. Even if say you have a novel idea for applying AGI or a sub-AGI to some highly commercial field, it would still all depend on implementation. The chance of someone stealing your idea is v. remote. And discussing your ideas openly will only improve them.

In many other creative fields, there can be reason to be secretive. If you had an idea for some new, more efficient chemical, or way of treating a chemical, for an electric battery, say, that could be v. valuable and highly stealable. Hence all those "formula" movies.

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