Ben Goertzel wrote:

Colin wrote:

    The only working, known model of general intelligence is the
    human. If we base AGI on anything that fails to account
    scientifically and completely for /all/ aspects of human
    cognition, including consciousness, then we open ourselves to
    critical inferiority... and the rest of science will simply find
    the group an irrelevant cultish backwater. Strategically the group
    would do well to make choices that attract the attention of the
    'machine consciousness' crowd - they are directly linked to
    neuroscience via cog sci.

Actually, I very strongly disagree with the above.

While I am an advocate of machine consciousness research, and will be co-organizing a machine consciousness workshop in Hong Kong in June 2009, I do **not** agree that focusing on machine consciousness would be likely to help AGI to get better accepted in the general scientific community.

Rather, I think that consciousness research is currently considered at least as eccentric as AGI research, by the scientific mainstream ... and is considered far MORE eccentric than AGI research by the AI research mainstream, e.g. the AAAI.

So, discussing issues of machine consciousness may be interesting and very worthwhile for AGI in some scientific and conceptual... but I really really don't think that, at the present time, more closely allying AGI with machine consciousness would do anything but cause trouble for AGI's overall scientific reputation.

Frankly I think that "machine consciousness" has at least as high a chance of being considered an "irrelevant cultish backwater" than AGI ... though I don't think that either field deserves that fate.

Comparing the two fields, I note that AGI has a larger and more active series of conferences than machine consciousness, and is also ... pathetic as it may be ... better-funded overall ;-p .... Regarding the connection to neuroscience and cog sci: obviously, AGI does not need machine consciousness as an intermediary to connect to those fields, it is already closely connected. As one among many examples, Stan Franklin's LIDA architecture, a leading AGI approach, was originated in collaboration with Bernard Baars, a leading cognitive psychologist (and consciousness theorist, as it happens). And we had a session on AGI and Neuroscience at AGI-08, chaired by neuroscientist Randal Koene.

I laid out my own thoughts on consciousness in some detail in The Hidden Pattern ... I'm not trying to diss consciousness research at all ... just pointing out that the posited reason for tying it in with AGI seems not to be correct...

-- Ben G
My main impression of the AGI-08 forum was one of over-dominance by singularity-obsessed and COMP thinking, which must have freaked me out a bit. The IEEE Spectrum articles on the 'singularity rapture' did nought to improve my outlook... Thanks for bringing the Stan Franklin and Bernhard Baars/Global Workspace etc and neuroscience links to my attention. I am quite familiar with them and it's a relief to see they connect with the AGI fray. Hopefully the penetration of these disciplines, and their science, will grow.

In respect of our general consciousness-in-AGI disagreement: Excellent! That disagreement is a sign of diversity of views. Bring it on!

The only reason for not connecting consciousness with AGI is a situation where one can see no mechanism or role for it. That inability is no proof there is none....and I have both to the point of having a patent in progress. Yes, I know it's only my claim at the moment...but it's behind why I believe the links to machine consciousness are not optional, despite the cultural state/history of the field at the moment being less than perfect and folks cautiously sidling around consciousness like it was bomb under their budgets.

So...You can count on me for vigorous defense of my position from quantum physics upwards to psychology, including support for machine consciousness as being on the critical path to AGI. Hopefully in June '09? ;-)

I tried to locate a local copy of 'the hidden pattern' luck. Being in poverty-stricken student mode, at the moment...I have to survive on library/online resources, which are pretty impressive here at Unimelb......but despite this the libraries around here don't have it...two other titles in the state library... but not that one..Oh well. Maybe send me a copy with my wizard hat? :-P

colin hales

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