--- On Mon, 10/13/08, Colin Hales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In the wider world of science it is the current state of play that the
theoretical basis for real AGI is an open and multi-disciplinary
question.  A forum that purports to be invested in achievement of real
AGI as a target, one would expect that forum to a multidisciplianry
approach on many fronts, all competing scientifically for access to
real AGI. 

I think this group is pretty diverse. No two people here can agree on how to 
build AGI.

> Gamez, D. 'Progress in machine consciousness', Consciousness and
Cognition vol. 17, no. 3, 2008. 887-910.

$31.50 from Science Direct. I could not find a free version. I don't understand 
why an author would not at least post their published papers on their personal 
website. It greatly increases the chance that their paper is cited. I 
understand some publications require you to give up your copyright including 
your right to post your own paper. I refuse to publish with them.

(I don't know the copyright policy for Science Direct, but they are really 
milking the "publish or perish" mentality of academia. Apparently you pay to 
publish with them, and then they sell your paper).

In any case, I understand you have a pending paper on machine consciousness. 
Perhaps you could make it available. I don't believe that consciousness is 
relevant to intelligence, but that the appearance of consciousness is. Perhaps 
you can refute my position.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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