> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Richfield [mailto:steve.richfi...@gmail.com]
> My underlying thought here is that we may all be working on the wrong
> problems. Instead of working on the particular analysis methods (AGI) or
> self-organization theory (NN), perhaps if someone found a solution to
> network stability, then THAT would show everyone the ways to their
> respective goals.

For a distributed AGI this is a fundamental problem. Difference is that a
power grid is such a fixed network. A distributed AGI need not be that
fixed, it could lose chunks of itself but grow them out somewhere else.
Though a distributed AGI could be required to run as a fixed network. 

Some traditional telecommunications networks are power grid like. They have
a drastic amount of stability and healing functions built-in as have been
added over time. 

Solutions for large-scale network stabilities would vary per network
topology, function, etc.. Virtual networks play a large part, this would be
related to the network's ability to reconstruct itself meaning knowing how
to heal, reroute, optimize and grow.. 


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