> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Richfield [mailto:steve.richfi...@gmail.com]
> >
> Really? Do networks such as botnets really care about this? Or does it
> apply?
> Anytime negative feedback can become positive feedback because of delays
> or phase shifts, this becomes an issue. Many competent EE people fail to
> the phase shifting that many decision processes can introduce, e.g. by
> responding as quickly as possible, finite speed makes finite delays and
> frequency cutoffs, resulting in instabilities at those frequency cutoff
> because of violation of the 12db/octave rule. Of course, this ONLY applies
> feedback systems and NOT in forward-only systems, except at the real-world
> point of feedback, e.g. the bots themselves.
> Of course, there is the big question of just what it is that is being
> "attenuated" in the bowels of an intelligent system. Usually, it is
> computational delays making sharp frequency-limited attenuation at their
> response speeds.
> Every gamer is well aware of the oscillations that long "ping times" can
> introduce in people's (and intelligent bot's) behavior. Again, this is
> the same 12db/octave phenomenon.

OK, excuse my ignorance on this - a design issue in distributed intelligence
is how to split up "things" amongst the agents. I see it as a hierarchy of
virtual networks, with the lowest level being the substrate like IP sockets
or something else but most commonly TCP/UDP.

The protocols above that need to break up the work, and the knowledge
distribution, so the 12db/octave phenomenon must apply there too. 

I assume any intelligence processing engine must include a harmonic
mathematical component since ALL things are basically network, especially

This might be an overly aggressive assumption but it seems from observance
that intelligence/consciousness exhibits some sort of harmonic property, or


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