Ian: Suppose I want to know about the characteristics of concrete

You seem to think you can know about an object without ever having seen it or 
physically interacted with it?  As long as you have a set of words for the 
world, you need never have actually experienced or been in the world?

You can "fight Israel" and "lay concrete" merely by manipulating words?

From: Ian Parker 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 10:39 AM
To: agi 
Subject: Re: [agi] Is there any Contest or test to ensure that a System is AGI?

"What is the difference between laying concrete at 50C and fighting Israel?". 
That is my question my 2 pennyworth. Other people can elaborate. 

If that question can be answered you can have an automated advisor in B&Q. 
Suppose I want to know about the characteristics of concrete. Of course one 
thing you could do is go to B&Q and ask them what they would be looking for in 
an avatar.

  - Ian Parker

On 19 July 2010 02:43, Colin Hales <c.ha...@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:

  Try this one ...
  If the test subject can be a scientist, it is an AGI.

  Steve Richfield wrote: 

    An intermediate step is the "reverse Turing test" (RTT), wherein people or 
teams of people attempt to emulate an AGI. I suspect that from such a 
competition would come a better idea as to what to expect from an AGI.

    I have attempted in the past to drum up interest in a RTT, but so far, no 
one seems interested.

    Do you want to play a game?!


    On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 5:15 AM, deepakjnath <deepakjn...@gmail.com> wrote:

      I wanted to know if there is any bench mark test that can really convince 
majority of today's AGIers that a System is true AGI?

      Is there some real prize like the XPrize for AGI or AI in general?


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