> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Bromer [mailto:jimbro...@gmail.com]
> Well, if it was a mathematical structure then we could start developing
> prototypes using familiar mathematical structures.  I think the structure
> to involve more ideological relationships than mathematical.  

The ideological would still need be expressed mathematically.

> For instance
> you can apply a idea to your own thinking in a such a way that you are
> capable of (gradually) changing how you think about something.  This means
> that an idea can be a compression of some greater change in your own
> programming.  

Mmm yes or like a key.

> While the idea in this example would be associated with a
> fairly strong notion of meaning, since you cannot accurately understand
> full consequences of the change it would be somewhat vague at first.  (It
> could be a very precise idea capable of having strong effect, but the
details of
> those effects would not be known until the change had progressed.)

Yes. It would need to have receptors, an affinity something like that, or
somehow enable an efficiency change.

> I think the more important question is how does a general concept be
> interpreted across a range of different kinds of ideas.  Actually this is
not so
> difficult, but what I am getting at is how are sophisticated conceptual
> interrelations integrated and resolved?
> Jim

Depends on the structure. We would want to build it such that this happens
at various levels or the various multidimensional densities. But at the same
time complex state is preserved until proven benefits show themselves.


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