>2014-02-08 11:17 GMT+00:00 Jonas Kvinge <linu...@closetothewind.net>:
>What kernel are you using? I got the rDAC working with kernel 3.13.0.
>3.12.6 did not work for me. Try 3.13 or newer.

Jonas, my device is the rPac not the rDac. Are they equivalent in terms of

To all,
here is the situation. I got it working with ubuntu 12.10, kernel 3.2.0-44.
It does not work with a newer 3.2.0, say 3.2.0-52.
Since I have a working configuration, is there some config files, drivers
or whatever I could look at that could help me understand what is the
problem with making the rPac working with linux?

I also tried ubuntu 13.10, don't know the kernel exactly. It did not work.

The error message always says: hardware parameters could not be set.

I also took the hw parameters from the working conf and put them into a
.asoundrc file, but no joy.

I had a look at dmesg but it doesn't say much what the problem is. are
there other log files that could help dig deeper into the problem?

Someone suggested to take the module in the working config and install it
into the one i want to make the device work. Is it reasonable?

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