I've read a couple of messages about newer versions of
aolserver to be released and I have a question.

At my last company, we were using a drastically
inferior system for our web solution and we needed
something better.  I happened upon aolserver and was,
myself, pretty thoroughly convinced of its worthiness.

However, I've shown it to many people since then --
most who agree that it would be a great solution...
the number one complaint is that the documentation
sucks (in comparison to projects like apache or zope.)
 I know for a fact that more people would jump on
aolserver if it had more extensive docs and more code
examples and things like that.

The acs kind of accomplishes that to an extent --
except you pretty much have to use the acs, which I
don't want to do.

Are there any aolserver documentation projects in the
works for these future releases?  I garauntee it would
make a difference.

Anyway, just wondering...

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come with me and change the world?"

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