[ Please note that there is an ongoing discussion of the problem on the
thread: "dstringcachemaxentries, dstringcachemaxsize, iobufsize: how are
they related?"]

I am testing the file upload using ns_conncptofp, not ns_queryget; in fact,
I don't use any of the procedures in the modules/tcl/form.tcl in my file
upload tests. As a result, I don't think that my slow upload times are
related to the procedures in the modules/tcl/form.tcl file. (see Scott's
previous message and my messages in the other thread for the full ADP test
script I am using.)

Since ns_conncptofp corresponds to NsTclWriteContentCmd (C API) which calls
Ns_ConnCopyToChannel which calls ConnCopy, which calls NsGetBuf, I would
expect that a big value of IOBufSize (e.g. 64000 or more) would greatly
speed file uploads; however, this does not happen!

Any ideas?


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