2011/5/11 Torben Brosten <tor...@dekka.com>:
> To use qf_get_inputs_as_array outside of the ACS dependency

Thx, but I can read the code. But there is no some useful functions in AOL.
May be adding a few helper procs will make AOL more developer friendly.
ACS has useful database layer but other functionality is not compact
and is not universal.

> For the second case of ad_quotehtml, substitute a proc defined as:
>  return [string map {& &amp; \" &quot; < &lt; > &gt;} $arg]

I think these are strange substitutions. HTML entities escaping is
needed for output but not for input.
The full-text search tokenization after additional conversation will
be not easy. And so on.

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.

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