On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 02:22:44PM +0200, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

> For me, it is still unclear, why 4.5.1 worked for you, but 
> not the head version not. As far i can see,
> all socket usages were int the same way in 4.5.1, the 
> variable triggers in nsd.h was defined like this at least 
> since 2004.

Maurizio explained that earlier:  He had misremembered, and actually
DID have to make the int to SOCKET changes in the earlier 4.5.1
version as well for it to work on Win64.  And someone else (Dossy I
think) explained why that makes sense:  The definition of SOCKET is
different on Win64.  So all these versions of AOLserver have been
working ok on 32 bit Windows, but were presumably broken on 64 bit
Windows all along.

Andrew Piskorski <a...@piskorski.com>

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