Le 18:50 2015.02.26, vous avez écrit:
I am not particularly excited about the advantages of Arctic Apples, although it will be interesting to see if they eventually play a role in expanding the shelf life of sliced apples.

There was a discussion on those apples on another forum recently, and one person had a very interesting argument, which I think makes a lot of sense.

It would be that these apples are not intended to be sold direct to consumers... In effect, an apple eater wouldn't care less if the apple he eats will stay white or not. And the apple eater will always prefer a non-GMO apple given choice and knowledge (unless the GMO apple is less expensive obviously...).

However, restaurants, cafeterias and other McDonald of this world is a totally different story. For these people it makes a lot of sense to have non-browning apples, as they can prepare plates of sliced apples in the morning, that will still look good in the afternoon. And as we all know, no one at McDo will ever ask if what they eat is GMO or irradiated or anything else... Hence, these GMO apples would actually be engineered for this market.

And by the way, as I touched the subject... Those that are old enough might remember there was quire similar arguments many years ago about irradiated fruits and vegetables. No one talks about this any more! Any of you out there knows if irradiation is still done, and to what extent??? Are there irradiated apples out there on the grocery store shelves?

Finally, as a cider maker, I am a bit puzzled by these Arctic apples... I assume that if used for cider (I mean hard cider here, but this could also apply to fresh apple juice), they would produce a fully uncolored cider, like true Champagne. While traditional cider may be quite deep in color, mostly if the pomace is left to macerate between milling and pressing. It will be interesting to see if some cider makers will use them to make colorless cider!

Claude Jolicoeur

Author, The New Cider Maker's Handbook
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