
> Is there a version of (or suggested edits to) Artemis to make it compatible 
> with NCBI's BLAST+? I edited to deal with makeblastdb replacing 
> formatdb, and that seems to have worked. But it strikes me that any internal 
> calls must use the old blastall command, and I'm not sure how (or even if) 
> that can be addressed ...
> Or am I better off starting over after downloading the old version of BLAST?

Databases created with 'formatdb' (BLAST) can be used by the BLAST+
search tools.

A possible work-around for you would be to use the ""
script that comes with BLAST+. It takes the BLAST cmdline options and
translates them to a call to BLAST+ tools. If you renamed it
"blastall" with a symlink, it might just work?

--Torsten Seemann
--Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Dept. Microbiology, Monash
University, AUSTRALIA

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