Mandar Mitra <> writes:

> When I run cal-tex-cursor-month in calendar mode, I'm supposed to get
> a LaTeX calendar buffer for the month the cursor is on. This works as
> expected with emacs -Q, but in my setup (using auctex), I'm getting a
> "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil" error.

I tried your recipe with my setup and get no error.  I did:

  • Start Emacs with my setup (no -Q)
  • eval'ed (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook #'turn-on-reftex)
  • M-x calendar RET t m

I get a latex buffer which is in LaTeX mode defined in tex-mode.el and
not the mode provided by AUCTeX.  I'm using the latest version for
AUCTeX git repo.

Can you come up with a small recipe starting with emacs -Q?  Maybe that
helps others to reproduce the issue.

Best, Arash

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