Hello, I'm new to web services and I'm having real trouble exposing an EJB
as a web service. I'm not sure whether what I'm trying to do is impossible
though, or whether I am approaching this in entirely the wrong way...

I am using Axis 1.2RC2 on Tomcat 4.1.31/Windows 2000 Professional. I am
familiar enough with Tomcat, it's just web services where my head is
spinning because there seem to be so many ways of doing things!

I also have the option of putting Axis within JBoss (I have v4.0.0) (I have
removed the jboss-ws4ee.sar folder and got Axis working OK within JBoss).

All OK so far, but when I try to do something useful...

My task is to expose an EJB (which has been generated by a 3rd party, and I
can't see the source of the runtime helper classes it uses). I successfully
ran Java2WSDL (on the EJB remote interface) to create the .wsdd but received
warnings about some of the objects used for I/O not having default
constructors so not being mappable to XML. I cannot therefore run WSDL2Java
on the .wsdd to create the endpoint stub.

I have considered writing a wrapper EJB whose call method has a similar
signature, but has equivalent classes with default constructors, but I'm not
sure whether that is feasible because I don't know how the clients of the
EJB will be built.

I have also thought about putting a service-endpoint into ejb-jar.xml, but
by now I am so confused I'm not sure which direction I should be heading.

If anyone has any advice on whether this is possible, and what I should be
doing, then it would be greatly appreciated.



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