I have also thought about putting a service-endpoint into ejb-jar.xml, but
by now I am so confused I'm not sure which direction I should be heading.

I haven't done any more than expose a simple EJB like in the Axis sample (I used Interstage EJB container with Axis.war deployed to it). If my understanding is correct, the Axis "EJBProvider" is not much more that a server-side EJB client program which just gets the EJB Home/Remote etc (where the info needed to do this is configured in the wsdd) and calls apropriate methods that the SLSB/wsdd exposes.

On the other hand, the <service-endpoint> in the ejb-jar.xml is something new for EJB 2.1 (see JSR 921). So my understanding is <service-endpoint> is only going to mean anything for a J2EE1.4 compliant container. Also, if you have removed the containers own web service support jars and substituted Axis, I doubt <service-endpoint> is going to work properly.

(Please can somebody correct me if I am wrong!)


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