Just to ensure that the environment is alright, did you try building
and running the samples/ejb in axis?

As you mentioned, the issue could be with code generation (java2wsdl,
wsdl2java). What errors did you get when you ran WSDL2Java? Need to
resolve issues with the EJB classes to run Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java

In the worst case, you might need to handcraft the WSDL file and run WSDL2Java.

-- Venkat

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 17:10:53 -0000, Dan Hobbs
> Hello, I'm new to web services and I'm having real trouble exposing an EJB
> as a web service. I'm not sure whether what I'm trying to do is impossible
> though, or whether I am approaching this in entirely the wrong way...
> I am using Axis 1.2RC2 on Tomcat 4.1.31/Windows 2000 Professional. I am
> familiar enough with Tomcat, it's just web services where my head is
> spinning because there seem to be so many ways of doing things!
> I also have the option of putting Axis within JBoss (I have v4.0.0) (I have
> removed the jboss-ws4ee.sar folder and got Axis working OK within JBoss).
> All OK so far, but when I try to do something useful...
> My task is to expose an EJB (which has been generated by a 3rd party, and I
> can't see the source of the runtime helper classes it uses). I successfully
> ran Java2WSDL (on the EJB remote interface) to create the .wsdd but received
> warnings about some of the objects used for I/O not having default
> constructors so not being mappable to XML. I cannot therefore run WSDL2Java
> on the .wsdd to create the endpoint stub.
> I have considered writing a wrapper EJB whose call method has a similar
> signature, but has equivalent classes with default constructors, but I'm not
> sure whether that is feasible because I don't know how the clients of the
> EJB will be built.
> I have also thought about putting a service-endpoint into ejb-jar.xml, but
> by now I am so confused I'm not sure which direction I should be heading.
> If anyone has any advice on whether this is possible, and what I should be
> doing, then it would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Dan

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