On Thursday, 25. January 2007 11:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 24 Jan 2007 at 11:39, Also Sprach Matt Sergeant:
> > On 24-Jan-07, at 10:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Given the above (I presume it's correct) the ways around it are
> > >
> > > 1) Have a separate DBI daemon that processes requests and
> > > uses Danga.
> >
> > In the next release I hope to build a job server for long running
> > things.
> Ha! when's the next release? :)
> > Not sure how feasible it is, but we'll give it a go.
> Will it be another ax2 server that essentially does RPC
> from the main server? Something along the lines of using Danga
> to listen on a FD (as per the Ax2 docs)?
> The methods on the main ax2 server then have to have some
> CONTINUATION jiggery pokery?

I guess there will be no way around that part, no matter how you do it. I have 
been working on a cool solution to that, but for now I still don't know if it 
will actually work out in a way that is useful.


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