
I use Backuppc to backup VMs running mostly Webservers and a few custom
services. As everyone knows, Websites have a lifetime and at a certain
point the customer wishes for the site to be taken offline. We have one
Backuppc which we use for one big, special customer who wants a
FullKeepCnt of 4,0,12,0,0,0,10.

Now I have multiple websites which for which I have deactivated the
backup, but which still have multiple full and incremental backups
stored - up to 17 full backups to be exact.

Is there a way to delete all but the latest full backup and still be be
able to restore the website on demand? Is this technically possible or
will this clash with the pooling and deduplication functions of
backuppc? How should I proceed? I am still using Backuppc 3.3, because
of problems with backuppc4. (No need to go into details here)

Thanks in Advance

Stefan Schumacher

NetFederation GmbH
Sürther Hauptstraße 180 B -
Fon:        +49 (0)2236/3936-701

E-Mail:      stefan.schumac...@net-federation.de
Internet:   http://www.net-federation.de
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