On 17/6/20 22:43, Stefan Schumacher wrote:
Yes, with backuppc 3.3, you can safely delete any incremental and
prior to the full backup that you want to keep. You can't just keep
latest incremental though (there are some options if that is what
really need).

Keep in mind though, that:
a) websites tend to be a lot of text (php, html, css, etc) which all
compresses really well
b) website content may not change a lot, and with the dedupe, you
not save a lot of space anyway

thanks for your input. I already have found out that I should not
delete  the log files unter /var/lib/backuppc/pc/example.netfed.de/
because now it shows zero backups. Good that I tried it on an
unimportant system. Do I assume correctly that I can delete the
directories themselves safely and they will not be shown in the
Webinterface anymore?

It's been a long time since V3, but from memory, you would need to edit the "backups" file to remove the old entries, and prevent them showing up on the web interface. You might be able to delete the folders, and I think there is some script/process to attempt to "repair" the backups file, but I just edited it by hand the small number of times it was needed.

I would guess you can delete log files for backups you delete, but you must keep log files for the backups you are keeping....

Definitely better to ensure you keep a backup of any changes you make....

No responsibility taken for any errors caused by the information provided, so be careful....


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