> Yes, with backuppc 3.3, you can safely delete any incremental and
> full
> prior to the full backup that you want to keep. You can't just keep
> the
> latest incremental though (there are some options if that is what
> you
> really need).

> Keep in mind though, that:
> a) websites tend to be a lot of text (php, html, css, etc) which all
> compresses really well
> b) website content may not change a lot, and with the dedupe, you
> may
> not save a lot of space anyway


thanks for your input. I already have found out that I should not
delete  the log files unter /var/lib/backuppc/pc/example.netfed.de/
because now it shows zero backups. Good that I tried it on an
unimportant system. Do I assume correctly that I can delete the
directories themselves safely and they will not be shown in the
Webinterface anymore?

Yours sincerely

Stefan Schumacher

NetFederation GmbH
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E-Mail:      stefan.schumac...@net-federation.de
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