On 2020-06-30 19:35, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:
Michael Stowe wrote at about 23:09:55 +0000 on Tuesday, June 30, 2020:
 > On 2020-06-29 21:51, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:
> > Over the years, many have asked and struggled with backing up remote > > Windows shares with shadow copies. Shadow copies are useful since they > > allow both the backup to be 'consistent' and allow for reading files > > that are otherwise 'busy' and unreadable when part of active Windows
 > > partitions.
 > >
> > Various solutions (including one I proposed almost a decade ago) use
 > > additional scripts and hacks to create the shadow copy.
 > > Such solutions are kludgy and require the maintenance of separate
 > > scripts either on the server or client.
 > >
> > I have written a combination of perl and bash code that can be stored
 > > in the host.pl configuration file that does everything you need to
 > > automagically create shadow copies for each share (where possible)
 > > with minimal to no special configuration in host.pl and nothing to
> > configure on the Windows client (other than having cygwin+ssh+rsync
 > > and an accessible account on your Windows client).
 > >
 > > The only thing you need to do is to set up the hash
 > > Conf{ClientShareName2Path} to map share names to their
> > (unshadowed) Windows paths. The attached script will then set up and
 > > interpolate the appropriate shadow paths.
 > >
 > > It should just work...
> > Just cut-and-paste the attachment into your host.pl code for Windows
 > > clients.
 > >
> > Note: I included a fair amount of debugging & error messages in case
 > > any shadows or links fail to get created or unwound.
 > What ssh do you use?

I just use stock cygwin ssh & rsync.

> When I updated my server-side scripts to work with ssh as well as the
 > venerable winexe, and was alerted to this:

I don't use winexe - it's also not particularly secure.

No, nor do I. But I do use the ssh that comes with Windows, which required some special handling to get the permissions right. I don't know if your script will work with it, but I can give it a whirl within the week.

I pipe a server-side bash script onto ssh as part of the Dump Pre/Post
User Commands to setup and takedown the shadows.

Not sure why you would want to use a custom version of rsync when my
pretty simple scripts do all that with a lot more transparency to how
they are setup.

I think because it's just one binary (vsshadow not needed, nor anything else)

Can you test out my script?

I'll give it a shot (see above)

I believe it's far simpler and cleaner than either:
- My old approach for WinXP (using a client-side triggered script,
  rsyncd setup, dosdev, 'at' recursion to elevate privileges, etc.)
- Your version requiring win.exe
- Other versions requiring a custom/non-standard rsync

N.B.: my version works using ssh now, it doesn't require winexe

My version only requires a basic cygwin install with rsync/ssh and
basic linux utils plus built-in windows functions.

BTW, I still need to add back in the ability to dump all the acl's
(using subinacl) since rsync only syncs POSIX acls and I believe ntfs
has additional acl's.

In any case, my ultimate holy-grail is to be able to use BackupPC to allow for
a full bare-metal restore by combining:
- Full VSS file backup
- Restore of all ACLs from a subinacl dump
- Anything else I may need to recreate the full NTFS filesystem for
  windows (maybe disk signatures???)

I fully support this notion; NTFS has a lot of weirdness that doesn't translate well to rsync, like junction points. Last time I tried these, rsync would convert them to symlinks, and restore them as symlinks. YMMV

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