Michael Stowe wrote at about 05:43:03 +0000 on Thursday, July 2, 2020:
 > On 2020-06-30 19:35, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:
 > > Michael Stowe wrote at about 23:09:55 +0000 on Tuesday, June 30, 2020:
 > >  > On 2020-06-29 21:51, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:
 > > Not sure why you would want to use a custom version of rsync when my
 > > pretty simple scripts do all that with a lot more transparency to how
 > > they are setup.
 > I think because it's just one binary (vsshadow not needed, nor anything 
 > else)

I don't need to add any binaries beyond rsync/ssh. I use the native
Win7/Win10 VSS to generate/unwind shadows including: vssadmin, wmic,
fsutil, mklink, rmdir). They were present on even the "Home" addition
of Windows.
 > > I believe it's far simpler and cleaner than either:
 > > - My old approach for WinXP (using a client-side triggered script,
 > >   rsyncd setup, dosdev, 'at' recursion to elevate privileges, etc.)
 > > - Your version requiring win.exe
 > > - Other versions requiring a custom/non-standard rsync
 > N.B.: my version works using ssh now, it doesn't require winexe
 > > My version only requires a basic cygwin install with rsync/ssh and
 > > basic linux utils plus built-in windows functions.
 > > 
 > > BTW, I still need to add back in the ability to dump all the acl's
 > > (using subinacl) since rsync only syncs POSIX acls and I believe ntfs
 > > has additional acl's.
 > > 
 > > In any case, my ultimate holy-grail is to be able to use BackupPC to 
 > > allow for
 > > a full bare-metal restore by combining:
 > > - Full VSS file backup
 > > - Restore of all ACLs from a subinacl dump
 > > - Anything else I may need to recreate the full NTFS filesystem for
 > >   windows (maybe disk signatures???)
 > I fully support this notion; NTFS has a lot of weirdness that doesn't 
 > translate well to rsync, like junction points.  Last time I tried these, 
 > rsync would convert them to symlinks, and restore them as symlinks.  

Yes, you are right about junctions.
My plan would be to use 'fsutil' to get a list of reparsepoints that
could theoretically be reconstructed with 'mklink'.

Though perhaps fully recreating all the NTFS bells & whistles (or
oddities) is a fool's errand.

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