On 8/4/22 07:44, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:

On Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 2:31 PM backuppc--- via BackupPC-users <
backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
I pulled a V3 pool off an old hard disk that I had wrongly assumed was
broken. Now I would like to import as much data as possible into my current
V4 installation.
- What are you trying to accomplish?
- Do you only have the pool files or do you also have the pc backup

Really hard to answer the "how" if you don't explain the "what" and
"why" that you are seeking to accomplish...

I have to agree here.  You didn't mention the age of the backups on this "old" disk, but importing it into your current pool strikes me as something which would be carry a very high risk, while providing very little reward.

If the backups on the "old" disk are from three days ago and taking new backups of that data would take over a week to complete, then importing them (or at least making them temporarily available to restore in some fashion) seems reasonable; if they're from three years ago, then there's considerably less potential benefit.

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