The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Tim wrote:   "In the early years of Ruhi, the process was sometimes
dominated by zealots who insisted everything had to be done by
rigid rules."

Kathryn:  As time goes on, I finally understand that everything is a growth
process, from immature LSA's whose decisions unintentionally harm
individuals to experiments in how to best share the Faith.  There are so few
of us and we are struggling to find our way.  I felt then that Ruhi & Anna
work in some cultures but not as well in the jaded, cynical, self-centered,
fiercely independent West.  I chafed but I respected the intitutional
process that was guiding the experiment. I just couldn't participate until
the "new" rules had a chance to shake out.  I hoped that, as more tutors
arose, the process would return to satisfying people's interests.

I have not yet and don't plan to knock on doors.  I'm gracious to the
Witnesses & Mormons who come to my door but I'm not cold-calling.  I trust
God to orchestrate the meeting between me and the souls who will respond to
the way I can comfortably, genuinely share my understanding of Him.

Re:  I'd like to see more of us loving, respecting and supporting each other
for what we *can* do instead of "tsk, tsking" and shunning those who can't
do what we think they ought to be doing.

Kathryn:  I hope we will learn to meditate more deeply on all Writings
concerning love.  I'm not good for quoting Writings but I believe there is
support for this belief:  Only when we understand that we were created by
Love to love will we understand that Love is the attractive force in the
universe.  Love is the essence that draws us in and unites us.

I treasure the dear woman who was my first contact with the Faith.  She was
the perfect person to nurture me through the ups & downs of adapting to some
uncomfortable changes of viewpoint.  Her loving spirit kept me coming back
to firesides for months.  Her unconditional love through years of despair
lifted me up and kept me from leaving the Faith.

I can't overstate how critical to retention of new believers is the power of
love.  We cannot preach what we do not practice, and I've very rarely seen
genuine friendship, let alone unconditional love, practiced among the many
communities I've passed through.

That's my prayer:  Not that Ruhi brings entry by troops, but that every
living Bahai becomes transformed in radiant beacons of love.  The world is
literally starving to death for want of love.


"Dedicate the precious days of your lives to the betterment of the world". ~
"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know;
the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who
have sought and found how to serve."    ~ Albert Schweitzer

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 10:47, Tim Nolan <> wrote:

>  The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>  Hi Kathryn
>  >I understand we are to be obedient, and we are not to take offense,
> > but this dogmatic approach raised bitterness,  resentment
> One of the things I have had to learn in my Baha'i life,
> is that while we are to be obedient to the *institutions* and
> to the Writings, we haved zero obligation to be obedient
> to any individual who insists on his or her viewpoint,
> regardless of that person's title.  So if an individual
> says I must do things a certain way, I might listen politely
> then do what I think is best.  People have a right to their own views,
> but  experience has taught me not to give in to bullies.
> It's always important to ask, "obedient to whom?"
> Nothing in the writings supports the idea that we have
> to obey charismatic people or people who claim
> that their opinion is "the Baha'i way".
> In the early years of Ruhi, the process was sometimes dominated by
> zealots who insisted everything had to be done by
> rigid rules.  I think as the Baha'i community matures, we will
> learn not to let zealots run our lives.
> I have done several Ruhi books out of order, and I don't care who
> knows it.
> >I'd like to see more of us loving, respecting and supporting each other
> for what we *can* do
> >instead of "tsk, tsking" and shunning those who can't do what we think
> they ought to be doing.
> Hurrah for that!!  And the House of Justice has encouraged us to
>  appreciate everyone's efforts, of course. There is a deadening effect of
> people who think,
>  " I know what the Baha'i really is, and *you* don't conform."
> Tim
>  All good art is about something deeper than it admits.
> --Roger Ebert
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Kathryn Darrah <>
> *To:* Baha'i Studies <>
> *Sent:* Wed, December 15, 2010 12:15:27 PM
> *Subject:* Re: How will they cope?
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>  This has been my experience.  I understand we are to be obedient, and we
> are not to take offense, but this dogmatic approach raised bitterness,
> resentment and resistance in me.  I started 1, 2 & 3 three times each before
> finally completing 1 & 2 in an intensive.   Many years later, that is where
> I am stalled.  After a decade as a Bahai, I still did not have what I
> considered a solid enough grounding in Baha'u'llah to share the Faith with
> others.  I wanted Book 4 badly and was delighted when we started it.  Then,
> we were told we must complete the books in order.  I love children & support
> their activities financially as often as possible, and I'm a board member
> for a community theater  which has provided 17 years of classes for kids &
> teens (including 3 absolutely amazing now young adult Bahais!) but I will
> never, ever teach children's classes.  I haven't got physical health &
> energy even to babysit.   Finally, as an isolated believer, I have an
> opportunity to do Book 8 with a tutor while we wait for a group to finish
> book 2 so we can do Book 4 together with a new believer.  I can't wait!
> I'm frustrated with the way information still lags in getting to everyone.
> It's been a few years now since I read the House of Justice's clarification
> that we are not completely bound to Ruhi, that we have the freedom to use
> whatever works best in the situation, whether Firesides or Core Curriculum
> or Virtues.  I'd like to see more of us loving, respecting and supporting
> each other for what we *can* do instead of "tsk, tsking" and shunning
> those who can't do what we think they ought to be doing.
> Kathryn
>  On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 08:09, Susan Maneck <> wrote:
>>  The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> > Then again there is a wisdom in the sequence of books so actually im not
>> > sure. p:
>> Keep in mind that these books were designed for Baha'is, not seekers.
>> We start with Book one because the first thing we want a new Baha'i to
>> do is to pray. But there are some seekers for whom Book One works
>> best. I find the ones that are drawn in through the children's classes
>> is one example.
>> In any case, if I had had to do the books in order like is being
>> dogmatically pushed in some areas I never would have completed the
>> sequence. I did Book One, then Book Four, then Book Seven. Then I
>> started tutoring Book Four. I picked up the other books as I felt I
>> needed them, but I didn't finish the sequence until they appointed me
>> Cluster Development Facilitator.
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