The ServicesUtil and other classes in the package
are not found in the WEB-INF/lib/ directory and thus can't be referenced from
classes that are there.

Axis has it's own class loader implementation and expects to find classes
in the WEB-INF/services/ directory in the form of *.aar files. There should
currently be only one file: core.aar. Classes in the .aar files can
reference/use any class that is found in WEB-INF/lib/ but not the other way

I don't know if .aar files are visible to each other, but you can try to
put your custom file in WEB-INF/services/ directory and rename it to
end with .aar.

/Nicklas wrote:
> Sorry, why did I write "client"? It was late, I should have slept
> before posting. This happens in the service class. I have my own
> utility class, which refers to ServicesUtil, and the service class
> loads that utility class. The utility class can be loaded but not
> ServicesUtil, which is odd since it *is* loaded in AbstractRPCService.
> I have attached a minimal yet full example that can be deployed to
> reproduce the problem (I have not attached the modified services.xml 
> because the mods there are obvious); the service and client classes
> are in the appropriate jars (I just rebuild using ant), TestUtil in 
> its own jar under WEB-INF/lib. The bottom of the stack trace is
> Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> net/sf/basedb/ws/server/ServicesUtil
>     at com.acme.TestUtil.<clinit>(
>     at
>     ... 25 more
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
>     at 
> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
>     at 
> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
>     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
>     ... 27 more
> There is nothing special about ServicesUtil, btw: attempting to
> instantiate, say, TempFileDataSource, causes the same error. The 
> chain of references is -> com.acme -> 
> Does the detour through another package 
> trigger some classloader complication?
>> A good starting point is the web services example that you can 
>> download from [...]
> Of course I studied the built-in examples first; I don't think I
> could have so much as started otherwise. Still, I want to be able
> to use custom classes on the server side. Why does (apparently)
> everything have to be in the package?
> Thanks,
> -- O.L.
> =====================================================================
> package com.acme;
> import;
> public class TestUtil {
>     // just to test whether ServicesUtil can be loaded
>     private static ServicesUtil util = new ServicesUtil();
>     public static String process(String x) {
>         return x.toUpperCase();
>     }
> }
> package;
> import net.sf.basedb.core.SessionControl;
> import;
> import com.acme.TestUtil;
> public class TestService extends AbstractRPCService {
>     public TestService() { }
>     public String getResult(String sid, String q) {
>         SessionControl sc = getSessionControl(sid);
>         return TestUtil.process(q);
>     }
> }
> package;
> import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
> import com.acme.TestUtil;
> public class TestClient extends AbstractRPCClient {
>     private final SessionClient session;
>     public TestClient(SessionClient session) {
>         super(session.getUrl(), "Test", session.getServiceFactory());
>         this.session = session;
>     }
>     public String getResult(String q) throws AxisFault {
>         String sid = session.getId();
>         return invokeBlocking("getResult", String.class, sid, q);
>     }
> }
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