On Mon May 24 2010 Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
> I've put your tarball unpacked as a branch BADB in the git repo at
>  http://github.com/barak/BBDB
> and would welcome patches/fixes there.

Thank you! -- In the long run, I would like to put the code (also)
on something like sourceforge or savannah. For me, finding the time
for such things is the biggest challenge.

> Documentation?

Volunteers welcome!

> Or, should I preserve everything except the lisp/ subdir, replacing
> its contents with your files?

I thought that such things should always be done in some kind of
revision control system that allow one to go back. I do not know
about github in particular.



BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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