I do pretty well at keeping my bbdb databased synced across the machines
that I use.  My bigger problem is syncing it with my mobile phone
(nokia/symbian right now) and my google contacts (similar issues with
emacs diary, but that's a different story).  So if the CouchDB setup
makes it possible/easier for me to sync the information with these other
devices, then I am very interested.  Otherwise, not as much.

Ted Zlatanov <t...@lifelogs.com> writes:

> I put together some code that uses CouchDB to store Gnus group
> subscriptions and marks in gnus-sync.el.  It works well; so well in fact
> that I'm considering doing the same for BBDB records.  Imagine having
> your BBDB entirely stored on a central server instead of a local file.
> Yes, kind of like LDAP, but not so hard to use and much more accessible.
> In order to do this I will have to generalize and improve the
> gnus-sync.el code that talks to CouchDB.  But I wanted to first find out
> if this interests anyone (and please feel free to tell me my idea
> sucks), or if there's existing functionality that I would be
> duplicating.  I'm not aware of such.
> Thanks
> Ted
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