On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 22:08:48 -0400 Brett Presnell <presn...@stat.ufl.edu> 

BP> I do pretty well at keeping my bbdb databased synced across the machines
BP> that I use.  My bigger problem is syncing it with my mobile phone
BP> (nokia/symbian right now) and my google contacts (similar issues with
BP> emacs diary, but that's a different story).  So if the CouchDB setup
BP> makes it possible/easier for me to sync the information with these other
BP> devices, then I am very interested.  Otherwise, not as much.

It's definitely easier to sync to and from CouchDB than the native BBDB
file format.

If you have details about these other formats you need, that would
help.  I don't know what your phone and Google expect so I can't say for
sure if I could generate them on the fly.


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