There was a master and his disciple walking along a path. An elephant
stormed out of the jungle trumpeting furiously. The master ran off the road
as the disciple calmly stood his ground. The elephant picked up the disciple
in his trunk, threw him off the road and proceeded down the road trumpeting.
The master headed over to the disciple that was quite shaken up and said,
Why didn't you get out of his way? The disciple responded, You said that
this was all just a dream! The master said, Yes, yes it is! But the elephant
doesn't know that!

We are swimming in energy, some (very few) can manipulate it at will, others
need cards or machines ( something other than themselves) for the
reassurance that they can in some way manipulate this energy. We just use
different tools. As the tools become outdated we search for new ones.
Sometimes we do not need to outgrow our tools because they sufficiently
serve us. It is in fact the focus on the tools that is limiting. Looking
first at life & figuring out what it's course is & then fitting yourself
into it's matrix is much easier, and though not recognized by modern
society, much more productive.

We, with all our power, technology and intelligence are not in complete
control. The elephant also has a say, we are just so focused on our own
paths that we seldom recognize others. Peace, Chris

> Hi All, esp. Gil Lloyd,Gil, James and other radionic practitioners,
> I've been reading up a little on voodoo, catholic relics and such.
> There seems to be quite a strong parallel between say, Malcolm Rae
> cards and other representative forms of actual BD preps, and the holy
> icon cards and relics of the catholic saints.  Voodoo also shares
> this in its use of charms and prayer  seems remarkably like the
> expression of intent and request "if thy will be done"/God willing.
> Are any of you conversant with these other uses of icons.  Are they
> the same or if they are different, how so?
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