Xu Peter wrote:
I am a newbie of perl. I have got through some classic perl books,
such as <Learning Perl> and <Intermediate Perl>, ...
I want to get deeper in learning perl.

You are probably interested in perl for some specific tasks, like creating web apps, or desktop aps with a GUI, or other things. Most features offered by perl are offered by the CPAN modules, and in order to be able to recommend you what to learn, it would be good to know what you need to use perl for.

For example, if you want to create modern web apps, learn how to use CGI module just for knowing how it works, but don't need to go into details. In this case, you better read the POD docs for Catalyst framework, Template::Toolkit, DBIx::Class, Moose, DBI, HTML::FormFu and other modules you may find useful when reading those docs.

If you want to do simple desktop apps for Windows, Win32::GUI docs may help you, and if you want to do portable desktop apps, WxPerl would be the best choice.

Other modules may help you if you need to do math, or biotechnology, or data parsing, or other things...


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