In response to many inquiries (and thanks for the responses).

I originally suspected Johne's Disease, but the latest victim is only
6months old (I think that would rule out OPP as well).  My understanding
is that JD takes several years to manifest.

I live in southeast texas where humidity and heat are brutal.  My
worming pattern is seasonal.  Typically during the summer (July-Sept) I
worm every 2-3 mnths (I look for signs and try to stretch it).  And the
remainder of the year I go 3-5months (again looking for signs).  I dont
do fecals, but I can usually catch bottle jaw pretty quick.  I rotate
pastures about every 2 months too.
I primarily worm with Valbazen (oral), but switch to Ivomec (SubQ or
Oral depending on severity) during breading times.  Im thinking of going
to Cydectin (oral) instead of Ivomec as soon as I run out.

I have wormed within the last two weeks so I don't think it is worms.  I
have just dosed the latest one with Valbazen, we'll see what happens.

I suspected that too, except all my sheep flock together, and I have had
sheep on the pasture for 3 years now.  It may be inorganic, but the
others don't seem to be showing signs (knock on wood)

I may have to bite the bullet and take it to the vet.  I just hate to
spend the money and find out they don't know (or its incurable).  But
then again, I don't want to loose the whole flock.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pantalone, John A (GE Infra, Energy) 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 12:41 PM
To: ''
Subject: Wasting Away

I have had 3 sheep in the last two months die from progressively wasting
away.  From the moment I notice thin ribs and hips, it takes about 1-2
weeks for them to die.  I noticed another one today and am at a loss.  I
have tried administering antibiotics (LA200 and B12), but they seem to
die within a day or two anyway.

These sheep have been with me for a few years (or born here), however, I
have recently (about 4mths ago) introduced several Royal White Sheep to
my flock.  The mature Royal Whites had scrapies ear tags.  My original
flock had never been tested.  They all eat grass regularly (with a bit
of grain) and get minerals.

Anybody have any ideas?

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