After successfully raising 10 lambs we have our first rejected bottle
baby.  She has a twin sister that the mom didn't reject and every time
I tried to set her near them she got head butted.

Over the past 24 hours every couple hours we've been feeding 1 part
kaeco Colostrum + 1 part mana pro milk replacer mixed with 4 parts
warm water (best we could figure out from the conflicting directions)
and she'll take the bottle but won't drink very much.  I would say
total she's had maybe 50-75 CCs total in the past 24 hours.  I read on
here that she needs at least 10% of her body weight per day.  Which
for 4.8 lbs would be something like 220 CCs.  She looks pretty weak
and thin and while she'll stand up and walk around she looks a lot
less healthy and happy than her sister out back with her mom.
Anything obvious we're doing wrong?

I'm terrified of the idea of tube feeding since I've never done it
before but we are willing to give it a try if we have no other choice.
 Is this the next step and if so does anyone know of a good training
video or guide or something?  If you can't tell we are complete noobs
at this.

Thank you all so much and thanks again for the great advice you give!

-Bob in New Mexico
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