Carol, thanks for the vote of confidence on my video skills.

We purposely did not breed any lambs this season because we have our
own first time baby coming in April!

I'll be crazy busy this year as you can imagine, but you're welcome to
browse and use any of the links I have available. You may also use my
photos if you wish, since there's not a whole lot of video. They are
kind of all over the place.

you can contact me if you want me to try to get you the original video files.

this gallery has lots of pictures of lots of stuff, but there's plenty
of sheep albums on this one:

youtube video'

these pictures on the site are small. I might have the originals.

This Pebbles.html page is more organized and has links at the top to
get to different ewes and their newborn offspring. You have to use the
"BACK" button to get back to the main page, though.

-Michael, Perino Ranch Blackbellies

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Carol J. Elkins
<> wrote:
> For future information, you can view a good video on tube feeding a lamb
> here (they use a goat kid, but it is the same principle):
>  There are videos for bottle
> feeding and tube feeding on that page.
> Also, since we are getting into lambing season, newcomers might want to read
> these two articles to help get ready:
> Raising Bumemr Lambs on a Bottle
> FAQ on Breeding and Lambing:
> By the way, I could really use some good videos about basic blackbelly sheep
> care for the online book I'm writing (work in progress at
> ). Full credit goes to the video creator.
> We need information specific to blackbelly sheep and this book is designed
> to provide it. So if any of you who are handy with shooting video (hint,
> hint, Michael Smith) would like to help out with this community-based
> effort, please email me.
> Carol
>>> I'm terrified of the idea of tube feeding since I've never done it
>> >> before but we are willing to give it a try if we have no other choice.
>> >>  Is this the next step and if so does anyone know of a good training
>> >> video or guide or something?
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