I've had my first bottle baby, and first assisted lambing required in 5
years. This one was a twin, had his head turned. Don't know how long he
was in the birth canal with his legs hanging out, and I expected him to
be deceased...but as I delivered him, he shook his head to remove the
after birth.....and there was borne "Lambie."

I took him out to the barn 2-4 times a day (as I could fit in my work
schedule) and forced his mother to let him nurse for 48 hrs. I also
milked out some colostrum and fed him 5cc at a time through a syringe.

I have had some experience with several nursing modes... have not tried
the Pritchard yet. But I find consistently that the black livestock
nipples are just not acceptable to the smaller Blackbellies. I've used
them on larger lambs with no trouble. Even with the holes made larger,
they just seem to struggle. I started him on a baby bottle that had a
naturally large hole. It was developed to prevent air intake...but it
actually flowed too fast and he aspirated some. So I got him a new
bottle... and he LOVES his bottle. I had to make the hole significantly
bigger... forget the needle, I finally resorted to very small scissors.
I got the hole to where he could enjoy the natural need for sucklng
aggressively, and still receive enough milk to be satisfied.

He continued to take small amounts for the first week... in the second
week, he would take 1/3-1/3 a bottle per meal. Now 3 weeks old, he takes
1/2-3/4 a bottle each feeding. His feedings are now about 5 hrs apart.
He started eating hay this weekend, and I expect him to start drinking
water and exploring his creep feed.

Anyway, the amounts he drinks are significantly less than what I've seen
larger lamb breeds imbibe per meal. My lambie is robust and rambunxious.

His first formula was Land O Lakes. I went through that tub and now he's
on Merrick Super Lamb forumal. For creep feed, not being able to find
one that wasn't medicated, I've made one up with beet pulp, cob with
molasses, raw oats, and top dressed with dry formula.

Tracy Wessel
Intention Hill

Over the past 24 hours every couple hours we've been feeding 1 part
kaeco Colostrum + 1 part mana pro milk replacer mixed with 4 parts
warm water (best we could figure out from the conflicting directions)
and she'll take the bottle but won't drink very much. I would say
total she's had maybe 50-75 CCs total in the past 24 hours. I read on
here that she needs at least 10% of her body weight per day. Which
for 4.8 lbs would be something like 220 CCs. She looks pretty weak
and thin and while she'll stand up and walk around she looks a lot
less healthy and happy than her sister out back with her mom.
Anything obvious we're doing wrong?

Bob in New Mexico

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