Not a fencing idea, just a story.  We have lived in Colorado for 5 years now.  
We raise  sheep and dairy goats.  In the fall, the antelope congregate in our 
back property for breeding season.
A few come back in the spring and have their babies a couple hundred feet 
outside our fence.  They pay no mind to the LGDs that we have. And when the 
young coyotes are in training, they are very vocal,  the dogs bark allot. Well 
anyway, back to the antelope.
 I commented to a local rancher about the crazy antelope having their babies 
here with our dogs barking at times.  He told me that the antelope are using 
the dogs as a warning when danger is near.    The light bulb went on for me 
then and there.  They feel safe by the dogs.
We have two LGD's, not counting my little weenie dog.  They watch each others 
back.  The Great pyr is the guardian and stays with the sheep at night, while 
his pyr/Anatolian partner is in the  search and destroy mode at night.  

Liz Radi
Nubian goats and Katahdin Hair Sheep
Nunn, Colorado

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