
may I jump in here? I think the topic is cooking a bit too hot.

This list is *SOLELY* for discussions and votes of the steering committee, and for requests to the steering committee. The traffic here is groing and groing, and puts the initial purpose - track records of decisions - *TOTALLY* ad absurdum.

So, please *ONLY* use this list when you want to request something from the steering committee. Discussions that lead to these request *SHOULD* take place on the discuss mailing list, and *NOT* here.

We already have reached a level where it is totally impossible to track votes and decisions, as the "noise" on this list has grown rapidly. Everyone contributed to this, including SC members like myself who did reply on this list, but in the future, we really need to take care of this.

So, in a nutshell: Requesting the SC to vote on a mailing list is of course valid for this list, but discussions what Base lacks and what not, and what other products should be used, are simply *WRONG* on this list. Please use discuss@ instead. It helps all of us if we clearly know which list is used for what purpose. Ask yourself: Does my mail contain a direct request or question to the steering committee? If not, it does *NOT* belong to this list, but rather on discuss@, where all SC members read as well.

On the concrete request, of course the SC may be called to formally vote, but I want to repeat my thoughts:

I would *VERY* *MUCH* appreciate if we could *FIRST* see if things work out, by building a workgroup that can discuss on discuss@ and develop on libreoffice@fdo. If, and *ONLY* if, this group works constantly and has enough members, a separate mailing list makes sense.

As much as I do want to provide people any workground they need to engage, I *REALLY* would like to avoid thousands of unused lists. So, please *FIRST* show that something is going on, and *THEN* let's discuss if a separate list makes sense.

Sorry if that mail sounds harsh, but I hope it makes some things a bit clear...

So, please, any replies with regards to the mailing list question, on this list, and any other discussion about base on discuss@. Please, folks, we're really losing track on what we intend to discuss here.


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff

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