Hello Everyone!

First, my apologies for not doing my Lurk Time here - I only started
subscribing to this list today.

Unfortunately, I do not have any lists to share as I have none, but I do
have some ideas...

We all know there have long been RBL's for spam sources on the net and as an
SMTP admin for a major ISP, they are invaluable at keeping the spam out by
preventing tcp/25 connections from blacklisted IP addresses.

Well, I am also a DNS admin, and in the past, I have had to block queries to
certain domains (mostly dealing with child porno) by court order from
various states in the U.S.  

I have one suggestion on format of the data which is shared.  It should
include the domain, the host, and the actual URL at a minimum, in CSV
format.  For example:

Badhost.com, www.badhost.com, http://www.badhost.com/badfile.exe

Then, with Rsync, this data could be shared in near-real time and handled by
administrators to suite their needs.  By parsing the data, A DNS
administrator could create scripts and choose to set badhost.com to
something like this in their named.conf:

zone "badhost.com" {
        type master;
        file "empty.zone";
        allow-update { none; };

And empty.zone would look something like this:

@ 10800 IN SOA ns1.mydomain.com. root.mydomain.com. (
               1 3600 1200 604800 10800 )
@ 10800 IN NS ns1.mydomain.com.

The end result is that a DNS query for any host in the list would return

If the data were vast enough, and if enough administrators subscribed and
used this 'blacklist', it would have a real effect against end users hitting
bad URL's.  I have no problems blocking bad domains, just as maintainers of
spam RBL's have no problems blocking bad IP's.  It is up to the ISP of the
bad host to take care of the problem to become unblocked.

As far as http or hxxp, it doesn't matter to me, I would only handle this
information on the backend.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Lee
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 5:54 PM
To: botnets@whitestar.linuxbox.org
Subject: Re: [botnets] URL formats

hxxp seems to be advantageous for a few reasons:
  1. you can still cut and paste the url
  2. the protocol handlers won't load it up if you accidently click  
on it
  3. you can add a protocol handler for hxxp for whatever you want
  4. easier to recognize domains and patterns (rather than rotted urls)
  5. already widely accepted in spam fighting groups
  6. trivial to do and undo with no exception cases

I figured I'd put down my thoughts to try to help a standard to move  

On Aug 28, 2008, at 7:07 PM, silky wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 3:32 AM, Chris Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering if it would be more helpful if we could propose a  
>> "standard"
>> for posting broken URLs with some form of start/end indicator to  
>> allow
>> easier automated processing from the listings?
> I was thinking that it would be nice to post them just rot13'd. Still
> trivially decoded (i use leetkey add-in in ff) but not picked up by
> indexers/etc. Advantage is that it can still be searched for common
> patterns.
>> ChrisB.
> -- 
> noon silky
> http://www.themonkeynet.com/armada/
> _______________________________________________
> botnets@, the public's dumping ground for maliciousness
> All list and server information are public and available to law  
> enforcement upon request.
> http://www.whitestar.linuxbox.org/mailman/listinfo/botnets

botnets@, the public's dumping ground for maliciousness
All list and server information are public and available to law enforcement
upon request.

botnets@, the public's dumping ground for maliciousness
All list and server information are public and available to law enforcement 
upon request.

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